1. God was looking after us when we bought our home in Canton five doors down from the church. We're regular attendees of Mass, and while I really do love going to church, part of me wonders how regular we would be if I didn't live so close.
2. There's this woman I know that likes to post videos of her kids saying things along the lines of "I love Jesus" and "My brother is my best friend." Cue the eye rolling from me. (Jude actually once said, "Mom, I love God, but I sure don't like church"--as we were walking into church past Father Mike. And though the details before that infamous event remain fuzzy, I would bet my next paycheck that he and Malcolm were wailing on each other earlier that morning.)
3. Everyone tells me I shouldn't compare my children with other children. I suppose they're right, too. Still...when I look at all the smiling, color coordinated, beautifully coifed kids in photos, I can't help but think, "Are mine feral?"
4. Mean Girls is one of my favorite movies, which is why when I see little girls with those giant bows in their heads, I automatically go into an inner dramatic dialogue of "Check out her bow. It's full of secrets!"
5. It never, ever fails if I'm going to run into someone I haven't seen in a long time, I will either look my absolute worst, or one or all of my boys will be on their worst behavior. Sometimes, when I get to thinking, "Well, I haven't seen her in a while. I wonder what she's up to." Though the normal thing to do would be send a text or call, instead, I kind of welcome the frizzy hair or raucous WWE matches the boys may have in the toy aisle at Walgreens. Someone I know will pop up just at those moments.
6. I had a superior once who discussed a student evaluation with me. She said my sense of humor was too elevated for the students in my class and asked that I tone it down. I had to laugh out loud. After all, people who are devoid of a sense of humor are some of the funniest people you'll ever meet.
7. I wonder if God sorts souls the way I grade papers. I try to look at my weakest ones first, the ones that I think will take the longest to read and invoke responses of pretty colorful language, though we'll go with a clean "Oh Brother!" for the sake of keeping this post clean. I put the best paper at the bottom of the stack as a way to "end on a high note." While this seems like a foolproof method to quickly get through to the good papers, there is a snag. Getting started on the grading knowing the first ones are going to suck can prove tough. Is this purgatory? "I think we can purify your soul, but dang, I'm going to need a minute first." Therefore, I should probably live my life in such a way as to not appear at the top of God's "Oh Brother" pile. Come to think of it, exposing my ugly truths may not be the best tactic to find my way in the bottom half.